I'm sure the families of other folks who work in health care, law enforcement and the military understand the need to celebrate holidays on a slightly different schedule than everyone else. As I send my wife out the door with a cold turkey sandwich, I am thankful for her being my wife. Celebrating the holiday early is a small price to pay for having her in my life. I hope that who ever gets her as their nurse tonight will be thankful for her care.
Thanks to all of you who make these sacrifices to keep the rest of us healthy and safe.
[Image: Photograph of President Truman receiving a Thanksgiving turkey from members of the Poultry and Egg National Board and other representatives of the turkey industry, outside the White House. November 16, 1949: The National Archives: http://www.archives.gov/global-pages/larger-image.html?i=/press/press-releases/images/truman-thanksgiving-l.jpg&c=/press/press-releases/images/truman-thanksgiving.caption.html]
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