Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Best Buy Teach Award

I've been dreaming about a classroom set of inexpensive digital cameras for a couple of years now. A set I could bring into a class, check out to every student and not be too worried about damage or loss. I've had several projects in mind for my multimedia and my web students that would require lots of pictures generated by the kids. So, when my principal asked me to consider applying for a technology grant from Best Buy, I figured this might be the time to ask for the cameras.

I wrote the grant back in the early fall and just last week took the paperwork off my wall where it was hanging and said, "Guess I'm not going to get this one." In a grumbling, crotchety old-man voice. "I never get these dag-nabbed things. Mumble. Grumble......"

Today I got an email announcing that I was one of the winners. I could only say, "Yippee." Still in a grumbling, crotchety old man voice. Cause that's pretty much the only voice I got. Although today maybe with a clear overtone of humble appreciation.

Thank you Best Buy.

Rest of you teachers, if an old dog like me can get a grant, what's stopping you? The application process opens up in July. Be sure to check it out.

[Image: Captured from http://www.bbycommunications.com/crnew/our_programs.asp]

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