Monday, January 5, 2009

Embedding a Google Presentation

My beginning web students had a challenge before the end of the semester to build a new web site for our FBLA chapter. I graded them using a rubric for design and structure but the final site was picked by the FBLA sponsor and officers. It was a good life experience. If you don't listen to what your client wants and needs, you ain't going to get the job.

I wanted to post the front pages of their work and thought I'd experiment with Google Docs again. I put a image of each web page on a single slide of Presentations and then published the doc. I then embedded it on my class website. I also embedded it below. This was a simple process and I had no glitches or problems in setting it up. I think I will probably be using this more in the future as a way to easily display student work.

[Image: "bike,submerged": Flickr: Uploaded on June 18, 2006 by cactusmelba:]

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