Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Historical and Educational Maps

This site, the Perry-Castaneda Library Archive, is for the Social Studies teachers in your building. I used to constantly be on the outlook for maps when I taught American History and geography. Back in those days, the map I am showing here would have cost me around $15 dollars to get something that I would be able to display in the front of the room. Some of the nicer pull down maps that were supplied by the educational houses cost upwards of a hundred dollars. This was for a specialty map you might use one day or maybe refer to for a couple of weeks. It was more cost effective to put our money into a couple generic maps that we could draw on and then some good line masters we could use to make transparancies for the trusty overhead projector.

Because I was stubborn, I often was down in the library using the copy stand and a 35mm camera to shoot pictures of maps that I could turn into slides for specific presentations. Many is the young teacher I have bored into leaving the teacher's lounge with my stories of how hard it was in the old days and how easy they have it with all this new fangled technology. But, Good Grief! It only took me two minutes to find this map and download it!!!

[Image: Captured from US-Territories-1860 (map) Perry-CastaƱeda Library Map Collection: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/united_states/us_terr_1860.jpg]

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