Monday, October 22, 2007

Completed Werewolf Costume

Here is the final video of the werewolf costume design/creation I've been following on YouTube. I have been so enamored of this project that I put together some questions and sent them off to the designer. Turns out she is a grad student at Western Washington University studying Environmental Education and was more than generous in responding to my inquiry. Her letter has been a source of discussion amongst my circle of colleagues and students and I wanted to share it with everybody.

Because of length, I've broken her email up into shorter posts that I can spread out through the week. If you want to read her entire response here is a link. A link to all the videos of the werewolf project can be found on YouTube. But first the video of the final finished costume.

I love how he looks in the parking lot. I can only imagine the neighbors taking little Fifi out to do her doggy business in the front yard and in the dim light seeing a werewolf lumbering through the parking lot. I wonder if they remembered to bring Fifi in before locking the door? I wonder if there were any strange 911 calls that night?

[Image: Created from a screenshot from the video. Moon was photoshopped in and image was run through several filters.]

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